E-mobility in Split-Dalmatia County: Dalmatian first electric vehicles rally 2016
Among pilot activities linked to strategic focus the Split-Dalmatia County foresee to include the activation of the first pilot Electric Vehicle Charging Station network in the County. Such activity is linked to project because is coherent & in synergy with strategy study (EU, national and county level) and it contributes to reach project objectives through the:
- Analysis and answers of trends on a daily/weekly/monthly basis that will enable input for the prioritization of measures for traffic optimization;
- Demonstrating advantages of intermodal transportation hubs by means of infrastructural upgrade of the locations with modern and urban street furnitures, such as EV charging stations;
- fostering effectiveness of local transport systems by demonstrating real intermodal applications (e.g. shift from air to road transport by menas of EV vehicles deposited at intermodal hub - airport ;
- raising social awareness and public acceptance of new & sustainable transport technologies;
- initial infrastructure for green intermodal transport solutions.
The successful penetration of electric vehicles which have the great potential to reduce operating costs, air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions depends greatly on the thorough build-out of both residential and public charging infrastructure. However, widespread public charging infrastructure (including infrastructure in workplace or retail parking spaces in rural/urban area) will help facilitate the penetration of plug-in vehicles and help address consumer “range anxiety.”
The pilot was conveyed along the territory of Split Dalmatia County, at 5 preselected locations, that were chosen for installation of EVCs: Split Airport, City Center one, Hotel park, Hotel Cornarao & Aparthotel Miramare, Fig 1 and 2. Duration of the pilot was scheduled for the period 20.7.2015. – 1.3.2016.

During pilot period, 20.7.2015 – 1.03.2016, following results have been obtained (Fig 3):
- 277 charging sessions has been recorded
- 3.048 kWh of electricity supplied (ensured ~ 20.000 km free of charge milage for EV users)
- 11 kWh/charging
- 5,94kW average peak power
- Only 15% charging sessions at peak power > 20 kW = 48% of total consumption
- Average charging duration ~ 90 min.

Pilot project has proven to be very successful during the 8 months of implementation. Driver, mostly tourist, showed quite good interest in using newly established public EV charging system and that resulted with the constant increase in the number of registered users and the number of rentals (e-roaming).
Promotion took place through the website, tourist boards, local media, partner companies and institutions and it has proven to be a valuable in dissemination results of this pilot project. Data received will be used in planning activities for the tourist season and for adapting the tourism offer by creating targeted marketing campaigns for tourists from certain areas (EVC-first Dalmatian rally, Fig. 4).

E-mobility pilot at intermodal hubs of Split Dalmatia County has confirmed that there is a clear demand for EV charging infrastructure along the territory of the County (average growth of EVC utilization during the pilot was +35%/year). Intermodal hubs are natural locations for construction of such an infrastructure, and should be furthermore considered in this regard.